Liturgical Ministries

The Liturgical Ministry of our Parish consists of a vibrant Liturgy committee and approximately 315 volunteer ministers. Each weekend, to provide for all Liturgical ministries, we require approximately 175 volunteer ministers.

We are always ready to welcome new ministers to our list of volunteers and encourage you to consider your calling. So, whether your talent is reading the Word of God, Ushering, Greeting or playing a musical instrument, we encourage you to volunteer and make our Liturgies run smoothly by adding your Time and Talent.

You are invited to contact the parish office at 780.466.7576 or
Our volunteer coordinator would be happy to assist you in finding a role that you will enjoy.


Sacristans were listed by writers and church councils as "Ministers of God". When recounting his life in the 4th century, Bishop Paulinus of Nola wrote "I call the Lord to witness the I longed to begin my holy service with the name and office of sacristan".

SACRISTIES are privileged places where the liturgical rites are prepared and where the treasured objects that facilitate prayer are stored.


Adult Servers assist with the celebration of the Eucharist at Saturday and Sunday Masses and at other liturgical celebrations throughout the year. They are also needed for Baptisms, Funerals, Weddings and other special celebrations.

Adult Server Procedures.pdf

Adult Server Checklist.pdf


Junior Servers assist with the celebration of the Eucharist at Saturday and Sunday Masses and at other special liturgical celebrations throughout the year.

JUNIOR SERVER TRAINING VIDEO : Junior_Server_Training_Jan_2022.mp4

Junior Server instructions.pdf


Readers play an important role in the Mass. They proclaim the Word of God to the People of God. These words are not dead words of the past. They are alive and current and apply to our lives today. They are personal messages of guidance, support, teaching and love from our God. These words apply to our lives today. Commentators give a welcome message just before the beginning of Mass.

CC Readers Commentators Instructions.pdf


Eucharistic Ministers are trained lay people entrusted to perform a special service  for the members of their community, and by performing this extraordinary service, they distinguish themselves by their Christian Life, faith ad morals. Eucharistic Ministers are women and men who want to serve as an expression of their shared life and love of God. They desire to grow in love of the Eucharist, to personify more deeply Christ's love for others and to aspire to high moral standards.

Eucharistic Minister Duties.pdf


The ministry of Hospitality is a relatively new role for Catholics. Pre-Vatican II editions of the Roman Missal contain no mention of hospitality or greeting. The General Instruction of the Roman Missal lists among the liturgical ministers "those who, in some places, meet the faithful at the church entrance, lead them to appropriate places, and direct processions", but no name is given to this ministers, nor is it described in any further detail. Fortunately, this situation has changed in most Catholic Parishes. Today, parishioners and visitors are greeted by Ministers of Hospitality, Ushers and Greeters, who welcome us into the Eucharistic assembly that is taking place in the church.

Ushers Responsibilities and Duties .pdf

Greeter procedures.pdf


Good Liturgy requires and is enhanced by good music. Parishioners with all types and all levels of musical skills and abilities are needed to participate in Music Ministry for Sunday Masses and special celebrations including funerals and weddings. All types of musical instrumentalists, vocalists and leaders of song are required at the various celebrations held at The Catholic Parish of Corpus Christi.


The Arts & Environment ministers provide our Parish with the vibrant colours and special touches that accent and enrich our celebrations. For the most part, we prefer to keep the appearance of our Parish very humble, but tasteful, in the manner which Jesus would likely have preferred.

We ask that Parishioners do not water the plants since our team tends to all of the live plants regularly.

All liturgical ministries are scheduled using a software solution, MSP. Liturgical ministers can log in online, using a computer or mobile device, to manage their availability in each quarterly schedule.